IPO des ersten LP`s in Australien absehbar

Australien vergibt seine erste Anbaulizenz

Nachdem die Cann Group Ltd. bereits letzten Monat eine Forschungs-Lizenz ausgestellt bekam erhält sie nun auch die erste in Australien vergebene Anbau-Lizenz. Dies macht Cann Group zu Australiens ersten lizenzierten Anbaustätte für medizinisches Marihuana. Der Gesundheits-Minister Greg Hunt: "This major development will lead to improved access to domestically produced medicinal cannabis products for Australian patients. We are now making it easier to access medicinal cannabis products more rapidly, while still maintaining strict safeguards for individual and community safety" . Weitere Lizenzvergaben werden bald folgen.

Vor ca. einem Jahr gab Australien Cannabis für medizinische Zwecke frei - Cannabis für Hobbyzwecke ist in Australien jedoch nach wie vor verboten. Momentan deckt Australien seinen Bedarf noch durch Importe, nachhaltig möchte man jedoch regional anbauen.

Über die Cann Group Ltd.

Auf deren homepage kann man lesen, dass ein Börsenlisting angestrebt wird

Cann has established research and development and cultivation facilities in Australia and has executed collaboration agreements that will enable it to establish a leading position in plant genetics; breeding; cultivation; extraction; analysis and production techniques to facilitate the supply of medicinal cannabis for a range of diseases and medical conditions.
On 17 February 2017, Cann was issued Australia's first Medicinal Cannabis Research Licence issued in accordance with the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967. This Licence will enable Cann to cultivate medicinal cannabis and conduct research on the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, including the formulation of medicinal cannabinoid oil, of consistent quality, for a range of patient conditions that may benefit from medicinal cannabis.
In addition to the cannabis research licence the company, on 8 March 2017 Cann was issued Australia's first Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Licence. The new licence allows Cann Group to produce Australian grown material that can be prescribed for patient use. Cann's vision is to be a leading developer and supplier of cannabis, cannabis resin and medicinal cannabis products.