
Advantis Corporation (ADVT) is focused on helping people take control of their health and pain management needs. By creating strategic partnerships with innovative companies in the nutraceutical and alternative health care industries, Advantis is uniquely positioned to provide the guidance and support to assist in delivering products and services that address the needs of these individuals. Acquiring ownership in developing companies allows Advantis to provide consultation to improve product lines, expand distribution channels, and heighten brand value. With the healthcare and pain management sectors forecasting staggering growth, Advantis identifies and partners with those companies that possess the potential to capitalize on this trend.  Acquisitions and product developments ensure that Advantis reaches sustainable revenue growth in the near-term as it prepares for future market opportunities. CEOChristopher Swartz envisions the success of Advantis Corporation through strengthened partnerships, innovative product development, and sustained focus on revenue-producing strategies. With the help of a diverse and skilled management team, Swartz has navigated Advantis towards enhancing its footprint in the evolving legal cannabis business, holistic pain management, and healthcare industries. Expertise in the legal aspects of the medical cannabis industry allows Advantis to work within the framework of the law to target opportunities along the supply-chain of this untapped, explosive growth industry. Stand 01.11.2016
 WKN: 936870 ISINUS0076141003 Kürzel: ADVT (OTC)   in  handelbar: NEIN

Gründungsjahr: 1986 Haupthandelsplatz   Vollzogene Namenswechsel Ramoil Management, Ltd. until 11-2015 -  American Corporate Investors, Inc. until 1-00 Land   Angestellte: 5