Milliardär Thiel entdeckt Marihuana-Aktien :-)

Boombranche in den USA: Facebook-Milliardär Thiel setzt auf Marley-Marihuana

Mit seinem jüngsten Investment in die Private Equity Firma Privateer Holdings investiert Thiel in folgende Marihuana-Unternehmen:



Tilray is a premium medical cannabis company, offering unparalleled quality and consistency for Canadian patients. A market leader, Tilray is operated by Lafitte Ventures, a wholly owned subsidiary of Privateer Holdings incorporated in British Columbia.

Gründung: Oktober 2013 | Anzahl Angestellte: 100| |


 MitLeafly is the world's largest online cannabis information resource. Millions of patients and consumers use Leafly to explore cannabis strains & products, find dispensaries, retail stores, and doctors, and access cannabis news, research, and culture.

Gründung: Juni 2010 | Anzahl Angestellte:: 35 |


Marley Natural is born of Bob Marley’s deep respect for the power of nature to heal and inspire us. True to his ideals, we will cultivate fine cannabis, blend topicals and craft accessories that celebrate life and awaken well-being.

Gründung: November 2014 | Launching Late 2015 |