Private Placement: Green Leaf Investment Fund, Inc.


Green Leaf Investment Fund, Inc.  bietet ein Private Placement an. Über die Crowdfunding-Plattform CrowdVest möchte man über eine Seed-Finanzierung bis zu 10,2 Mio. $ einsammeln.  Konkret werden 21,25 Mio. neue Aktien mit einem Nennwert von 0,48$ angeboten.  Das Minimuminvestment beträgt 480$. Green Leaf möchte in Immobilien investieren. Konkret möchte man Fabrikhallen zu Anbaustätten für medizinisches und Hobby-Cannabis konvertieren. Nach eigenen Angaben sehen sie darin ein enorm großes Potenzial, da ein konvertiertes Gebäude nicht selten für das 4 bis 5-fache der üblichen Marktpreises für Industriehallen vermietet werden könnte.

"Today's IPO markets are clearly broken and only favoring those with the right connections or individuals with large net worths. The SEC has completely changed the game through its recent mandate under Reg. A+, which allows emerging companies to raise funds and allow every day investors to participate in a pre IPO offering. [...] Monster Beverage, Quicksilver and General Growth Partners, to name a few, started out as penny stocks and are now some of the largest companies in their sector." so Douglas DiSanti, Gründer & CEO.

About Green Leaf Investment Fund Inc.
Green Leaf Investment Fund (GLIF) Inc. is an early-stage company that intends to provide facilities optimized for the cultivation, production and distribution of cannabis in compliance with U.S. state and local regulations for both medical and recreational use. GLIF will purchase warehouse or greenhouse properties in states that currently have cannabis legalization laws in place or anticipated to be in place in the near future. GLIF will then lease these properties to cannabis growers on a NNN basis.